How To Create The Doctor Strange Duplication Effect in After Effects Tutorial


Recreating Doctor Strange's Duplication Effect with After Effects

In today's video, we will show you how to recreate the multiplication effect from Doctor Strange's magic in the movie Infinity War, particularly in the fight against Thanos. This tutorial uses Adobe After Effects and is perfect for Marvel fans and filmmakers looking to add a magical touch to their projects.

**Step 1: Record Your Footage**
Record your footage with a tripod to ensure a stable shot. You'll need multiple takes of yourself performing different actions in the same location. Make sure your movements don't overlap with each other. You can also use a green screen to make the masking process easier.

**Step 2: Import Footage and Create a New Composition**
Import your recorded footage into Adobe After Effects. Create a new composition and drag all your clips into it.

**Step 3: Masking Your Footage**
  1. Start with the first clip and use the **Pen Tool** to create a mask around yourself. Ensure the mask follows your outline closely.
  2. Feather the mask slightly to blend it with the background.
  3. Repeat this process for each clip, creating a mask around yourself in each one.

**Step 4: Arrange Your Duplicates**
  1. In the timeline, stack the clips on top of each other. Position each masked clip so that the duplicates appear side by side or in a circle around the original character.
  2. Use the **Position** property to adjust the placement of each duplicate. You can also use the **Scale** property to resize the duplicates if needed.

**Step 5: Add Motion Blur**
  1. Select each masked layer and enable **Motion Blur** to add realism to the movement of the duplicates.
  2. Adjust the **Motion Blur** settings in the **Composition Settings** if needed.

**Step 6: Create Magical Effects**
  1. Create a new solid layer and apply the **Fractal Noise** effect by going to **Effect** > **Noise & Grain** > **Fractal Noise**. Adjust the settings to create a magical, smoky texture.
  2. Use the **Turbulent Displace** effect to add more dynamic movement to the fractal noise.
  3. Set the blending mode of the solid layer to **Add** or **Screen** to integrate it with the scene.
  4. Position the magical effects around the duplicates to simulate Doctor Strange's magic.

**Step 7: Color Correction and Final Adjustments**
  1. Apply **Color Correction** effects like **Curves**, **Hue/Saturation**, and **Brightness/Contrast** to match the duplicates with the background.
  2. Make any final adjustments to ensure the duplicates blend seamlessly and the magical effects look convincing.

**Step 8: Render and Export**
Once you are satisfied with the effect, render and export your composition. Go to **Composition** > **Add to Render Queue** and choose the appropriate settings for your final output.

For a detailed, step-by-step guide on recreating Doctor Strange's duplication effect using Adobe After Effects, watch the full video tutorial.