Write on Text Reveal Effect in Adobe After Effects


Creating a Write-On Text Reveal with After Effects

In this video tutorial, we will demonstrate how to create a write-on text reveal effect in Adobe After Effects. This effect is popular in travel videos, vlogs, and music videos.

**Step 1: Set Up Your Composition**
Start by dragging your video file into a new composition in Adobe After Effects. This will serve as the background for your text reveal effect.

**Step 2: Add and Customize Your Text**
Use the text tool to add your desired text. Choose a font that stands out and adjust the size to fit your footage. Change the color and alignment of your text to ensure it pops from the background.

**Step 3: Apply the Write-On Effect**
Apply the write-on effect to animate your text, making it appear as if it is being written on the screen in real-time.

**Step 4: Enhance with Additional Elements**
To add more flair to your text reveal, consider incorporating splatter or brush elements. Drag these elements into your composition and manipulate them to enhance your animation.

For a detailed, step-by-step guide on creating this write-on text reveal effect, watch the full video tutorial.